“It’s A Family Affair”
Psalms 133:1 - "Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity."
43rd Robinson Roots Family Reunion
Philadelphia, PA
Sheraton University City Hotel
August 30 - September 2, 2019
Greetings, in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, we are well on our way to getting all of the plans together for our 43rd Annual Robinson Roots Family Reunion. This year our reunion will be held in the city of brotherly love and sisterly affection by the Philadelphia Chapter. We are looking forward to our family visiting the beautiful city of Philadelphia.
Our theme for this year’s reunion is “It’s A Family Affair” with Scripture reference Psalms 133:1.
The hotel where we will be hosting our reunion is the wonderful Sheraton Philadelphia University City Hotel. The hotel is located at 3549 Chestnut Street in a beautiful section in our area with plenty of attractions.
The cost for the room is $161.75/per night including tax. A parking garage is connected to the hotel and the price per night is $19.00.
Hotel reservations can be made by calling the Sheraton at 1-888-627- 7071. Please be sure to mention the group name ‘Robinson Roots Reunion’ to receive the discounted price. All hotel reservations have to be made by July 31, 2019 in order to receive the Robinson Roots discounted price.
For more information on the hotel please visit their website at www.philadelphiasheraton.com. For any hotel questions or concerns please contact J’hannel Becoat at jlnbecoat@gmail.com (hotel contact).
We are going to be feasting on a Southern Cuisine for our 70s themed family banquet. The banquet cost for adults and children is:
$56 for adults
$30 children ages 5-11, no charge ages 0-4
We will be having a plated vegetarian/vegan entrée for those family members that are vegetarian/vegan. We ask that when you send your payment for the banquet please note vegetarian/vegan.
This year we will be hosting our Sunday luncheon at Maggiano’s Little Italy, which is located in the downtown section of Philadelphia. The cost for the luncheon for adults and children is:
$35 for adults
$20 children ages 5-11, no charge ages 0-4
All payments for the banquet and luncheon must be sent by money order or cashier’s check no later than August 5, 2019 (NO PERSONAL CHECKS). Money orders and cashier’s checks should be made out to Robinson Roots. Please mail all monies to:
J’hannel Becoat
17 Branford Road
Darby, PA 19023
We will be sending another letter with more information for the reunion weekend at a later date. The Robinson Reunion is quickly approaching and we, the great Philadelphia Chapter, are looking forward to meeting, greeting, hosting, and serving our family. We encourage everyone to share information and invite family and friends as well.
Please continue to pray for us as we are planning one of the most memorable reunions for our family. God bless and we look forward to seeing everyone at our 43rd Robinson Roots Family Reunion.
Suedell Cirwithen
Suedell Cirwithen, President
Philadelphia Chapter, Robinson Roots Reunion