RRR Bylaws-rev1


for the


Section 1.  The name of this organization shall be called the "Robinson Roots Family Reunion, Inc.".

Section 2. The principal home location of this organization shall be located in Florence County, South Carolina.  The organization may have other offices as the affairs of the organization may require, activities may require, or the family reunion officers may designate. 


Section 1.  The purpose of this organization is to reunite family members and to enhance and promote the growth and development of family unity, heritage and diversity.


Section 1.  Membership is comprised of direct descendants of Frederick and Louvenia Robinson and their families.


Section 1.  The "Robinson Roots Family Reunion. Inc." shall meet annually during the Labor Day weekend, beginning on the Friday before Labor Day and ending on Labor Day (4 days & 3 nights) or a different weekend as determined by 2/3 majority vote by family members at least 2 years in advance.
The location of each year's annual meeting shall be decided by the Host (Executive Board or State Chapter) as established by rotation at the previous year's reunion.  When hosted by the Executive Board, the location shall be determined by 2/3 majority vote by family members 2 years in advance.

Section 2The Host shall reserve the necessary hotel, meals, activities, and assembly areas to accommodate the family members and attendees. 
The Host shall be cost conscious when reserving hotels, meals, and activities.  They shall make at least two (2) mailings to family members.  These mailings should include, but not limited to, information about the hotel, planned events, approximate and/or the cost to attend, as well as any request for information of other family members, such as birth or special recognitions. 

Section 3The Host will establish a date and amount for Reunion Fees to be paid.
Host City is responsible to ensure that the basic agenda of the Reunion is carried out as follows:

  • Welcome Reception (Meet & Greet Night)

  • Robinson Roots Family Business Meeting

  • Banquet & Luncheon

  • Religious Services

  • Recreational activities

  • Youth Events

Family Dues and Fees are established by the Executive Board and used to manage the business and operations of the Robinson Roots Reunion.
Annual Family Dues for each adult member, eighteen (18) and older shall be $5.00 or a family fee of $10.00 can be paid (all children must be 17 years or younger).   Dues are to be paid to the Executive Board Treasurer anytime during the family reunion or anytime during the year if not attending the reunion.


Section 1. Annual Meetings 
The Annual Executive Board Business meeting shall be held on Saturday mornings at 10 A.M. or so designated by the Executive Board during the annual Robinson Roots family reunion.  This meeting shall occur before the Robinson Roots family meeting.
The Annual Robinson Roots Family meeting shall be held during the annual Robinson Roots Family Reunion at a time determined by the Executive Board.

Section 2.  Regular Meetings  
Regular meetings shall be scheduled by the Executive Board or State chapter groups to plan and conduct family business or Reunion activities.  Meetings may be conducted in person, conference calls, or other types of communication.  All associated costs are the responsibility of the members.

Section 3.  Special Meetings 
Special meetings may be called by the Chairperson or President of State chapters.  Any Officer may request a special meeting through the Chairperson and Recording Secretary and limited to the stated purpose, which must be communicated in advance to all Executive Board Members and/or State Chapter officers either electronically or by phone. At least forty-eight hours advance notice of the meetings should be given to the members.

Section 4. Quorum 
One-third of the Committee/Group will constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.  The action taken by those present at a meeting shall be the act of the organization. A ¾ majority vote of the members present is needed to approve any business not otherwise specified in the Bylaws herein.

Section 5. Voting  
A majority of Executive Board or State Chapter members shall be present at any regular, special, or annual meeting before the election of officers or amendments to the bylaws can commence.  A 2/3 majority vote of the members present is needed to approve amendments to the Bylaws, and a majority to elect officers.
Each Family member present shall have one vote in all matters.
The use of written proxies is hereby permitted for those members unable to attend any regular, special, or annual meeting. A proxy vote will be counted when it pertains to a specific issue, not to issues discussed and decided at missed regular meetings.


The proceedings and deliberations of this organization shall be governed by the Robinson Roots Family Reunion, Inc. By-laws.
The Robinson Roots Family Reunion, Inc. will have an Executive Committee elected by a majority vote of its members to oversee and direct the operations of the Robinson Roots Family Reunion. 
The Executive Committee shall consist of a Chairperson, two (2) Vice-Chairs, Recording Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Historian and/or Parliamentarian, and Chaplain.
The Executive Board shall consist of the Executive Committee and
two (2) representatives from each of the recognized and established state chapters to include the State Chapter president and an appointed representative.
The Board will govern the Robinson Roots Family Reunion, Inc. and have the powers and authority to manage the business and affairs of the Robinson Roots Family Reunion, Inc. to the extent permitted by provisions of law.
By a majority vote of its members, the Executive Board may at any time revoke or modify any or all of said by-laws.
The Chairperson (or Executive Committee) shall have the power to fill any officer vacancy on the Executive Committee until members of the family following appropriate nomination and election proceedings elect a replacement.
The Recording Secretary shall keep regular minutes of Board/Committee proceedings, cause them to be filed with the family reunion records, and report the same to the committee from time to time as the committee may require or requested by the family members.
Section 3. State Chapters.
State Chapters may be established when three (3) or more families within a state or region are organized to form and maintain officers and able to meet the demands and responsibilities of hosting Robinson Roots family reunions in accordance with said by-laws to include financial obligations.  The establishment of State Chapters is voted by 2/3 majority of the Executive Board and majority of family members.
New State Chapters will be included in the rotation of hosting Robinson Roots Family Reunions and assume representation on the Executive Board as all other State Chapters.


It shall be the duty of the elected officers and committee members to:
(a) Perform any and all duties imposed on them collectively or individually by the articles of  these Bylaws;

(b) Appoint and remove, employ and discharge, and, except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws, prescribe the duties and, if any, of all officers, agents of the Robinson Roots Family Reunion, Inc.;

(c) Ensure that  all officers and committee members of the Robinson Roots Family Reunion, Inc.  properly perform the duties of the positions to which they have been elected or appointed;

(d) Meet at such times and places as required by these Bylaws;

(e) Register their current addresses with the Recording Secretary of the Robinson Roots Family Reunion, Inc., and notices of meetings mailed or emailed at such addresses shall be valid notices thereof.

  • Be a member of the Robinson Roots Family Reunion, Inc.

  • Understand and support the purpose of the Robinson Roots Family Reunion(s)

  • Attend and actively participate in meetings  

  • Serve on a standing committee or task force as identified

  • Attend Robinson Roots Family Reunion, Inc. events as appropriate

  • Be an advocate for the Robinson Roots Family Reunion, Inc.

  • Demonstrate interest and financial support for the Robinson Roots Family Reunion, Inc.

  • Identify and recruit Robinson Roots Family Members for the Board and State Chapter Committees

  • Play a vital role in shaping the future of the Robinson Roots Family Reunion, Inc.


Each of Executive Board member officer positions shall serve a four (4) year term and can be re-elected by voting of family members. The Executive Board Officer positions (Executive Committee) shall be divided into four (4) groups or classes such that approximately one-quarter of its members will be elected each year.

If an officer of the Executive Board does not fulfill their required duties, that Officer will be notified in writing of the meeting at which removal from office will be discussed and voted upon. At that meeting, the Officer may present statements to the Executive Board in an effort to retain the position.
Removal will occur if so voted by majority of the Robinson Roots Executive Board members.

The officers of this organization shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary, Financial Secretary, and Treasurer, and shall be elected by members of the State Chapter organization only.  Any two or more offices may be held by the same person, except the offices of president and secretary. 
Officers shall serve for one year and may be eligible for re-election for an additional year.

Elected official and committee members shall be of the legal age as required by federal and state law (at least 18 years of age) and a member of one of the Robinson Roots Family branches, elected by a majority of the popular votes, present at time of election, and mentally competent to sign contracts.

Section 4.  VACANCIES. 
Any vacancies occurring in the organization shall be filled at the next meeting.

Section 5. Chairperson/ President.  The Chairperson/President shall be the principal officer of the organization and shall in general supervise and control all the business and affairs of the organization.  He/she shall preside at all meetings of the organization.  He/she should sign with the Secretary, certificates or any deeds, or other instruments which the organization has authorized to be executed; and in general perform all the duties incident to the office of President and such other duties as may be prescribed by the organization from time to time.

Section 6.  Vice Chairs/President.   The Vice-Chairs/President shall, in the absence or incapacity of the President, perform the duties of that office.

Section 7. Recording Secretary.  The Secretary shall attend the meetings of the organization and record the minutes of meetings, see that written notice of meetings are provided, record of all financial transactions and compare records with the treasurer to ensure accuracy, keep a register of the addresses of each member, and perform all duties incident to the office of Secretary and such other duties as may be assigned by the President or organization.

Section 8. Assistant Secretary.  This person shall assume duties of the recording secretary when not present and maintain a written copy of said meeting and have the meeting record prepared for acceptance or revision at the next family reunion business meeting.

Section 9.  Treasurer.  The Treasurer shall be the principal accounting and financial officer and shall be responsible for the maintenance of all funds for the organization; receive and give receipts for monies due and payable to the organization from any source whatsoever and deposit all such monies in the name of the organization in such banks as shall be selected by the organization.  He/she shall render to the membership an account of all his/her transactions as Treasurer and perform all duties incident to the office of Treasurer and such other duties as may be assigned by President or organization.
Section 10.  Assistant Treasurer.  This person shall assume the duties of the Treasurer in his/her absence.

Section 11.  Historian/Parliamentarian.  This person shall compile and research Frederick and Louvenia  descendants’ family history and shall ensure the by-laws rules are being following using appropriate parliamentary procedures.
Section 12.  Chaplain.  This person shall be responsible for the spiritual and religious guidance of the Committee and Family as required.


SECTION 1.  Meetings and committees’ actions shall be governed by, noticed, held and taken in accordance with the provisions of these Bylaws.
The Executive Board and Committee members may adopt additional rules and regulations pertaining to the conduct of meetings of committees as long as such rules and regulations are not inconsistent with the provisions of these Bylaws.
Committees may be established as deemed necessary by the membership of the organization.  


Section 1.  The election of officers shall be held whenever a vacancy is created.
Voting for officers can be done by a show of hands or ballot at the business meetings at the Robinson Roots Family Reunion.
The election of officers shall be an agenda item of the family business meeting.
Voters shall be family members of the Robinson Roots Family.


Section 1.  Contracts.  The organization may authorize in writing any officer or officers, to enter into any contract or execute and deliver any instrument in the name of and on behalf of the organization.

Section 2.  Checks, Drafts, Etc.    All checks, drafts or other orders for payment of money, or other evidence of indebtedness issued in the name of the organization shall be signed by two officers of the organization.

Section 3.  Deposits.  All funds of the organization, not otherwise designated, shall be deposited to the credit of the organization in such banks as the organization may select.

Section 4.  "Seed" Money.  Each State Chapter will be responsible for providing the State hosting the next reunion a contribution of $100 no later than the first day of the reunion year.  

Section 5.  Content of Reunion.   Every "Robinson Roots Family Reunion" shall include in its agenda a banquet, business meeting, family history update, family time, family worship time, and recreation.  Family worship will follow the core beliefs that God is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. 
The events shall be covered over a three day period, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, and must include the active participation of our children and youth.

Section 6. State Chapters Obligations.  Each State Chapter shall submit in writing to the Executive Board the following:

  • Bylaws of their respective state chapter.

  • List of all Officers of the state chapter with (Name, Position, Email, Phone, Mobile Number, or other contact information)

Section 7.  Mailing/Contact List.  Every known family member shall be informed by the host city of plans for the "Robinson Roots Family Reunion".  Each host group shall acquire a list of family members from the prior family reunion host.  This mailing/contact list shall be updated at every reunion and sent to the Recording Secretary and to the next proposed reunion site as a new mailing/contact list.

Section 8. Scholarship. A general scholarship fund will be established and managed by the Executive Board.



These by-laws may be amended, altered, changed, added to or repealed by a 2/3  affirmative vote of a majority of Robinson Roots Family members entitled to vote at any annual meeting of the family reunion if notice of the aforementioned is contained in the notice of the annual meeting, and by a quorum at such meeting.



The rules contained in the Roberts Rules of Order shall govern all business and affairs of the "Robinson Roots Family Reunion".







Respectfully submitted and approved by:                                 

Charles Robinson, Chairperson RRR

Sharon Moales, Vice-Chairperson, RRR

W. Charles Becoat, Vice-Chairperson, RRR

Marilyn B. Royal, Recording Secretary, RRR

Theresa M. Davis, Assistant Secretary, RRR

Ann Jones, Treasurer, RRR

Bertha Joshua, Historian/Parliamentarian, RRR
RRR – Robinson Roots Reunion

Revision 1.0
Effective Spetember 3, 2017 
as voted upon and approved at the 
41st  Annual Robinson Roots Reunion, Hartford, Connecticut